Oceans Surround Diverse Worlds and Whisper Tales of Love, Loss and Adventure

Remember the once blank pages…

now filled…

how it occurred…

occurred to you…

to fill…

blank pages.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Stupid Fear!

When I am at a crossroads, I tend to stress-out and give up, I quit! No, this is not something I am proud of, but something I know about myself. Well, if I know this and I say I am not proud, why don't I change? What would change mean for me? Breathing, staying positive and focused and sticking with the task at hand no matter how tough, awkward, stupid or useless it may seem. This requires patience and the "right" state of mind. I need to convince myself that everything is going to be okay. I shouldn't fear the unknown or thought of failure. Fear is such a funny thought for me, because I do not feel scared, I'm not afraid. But, I guess I am. I wish I knew exactly what my fears are, but I cannot seem to pinpoint them. Sometimes I fear that whatever it is I want to try, may not really be what I want for myself and I will have wasted all that time on the wrong "goal" or "dream." That's exactly what risk is: taking a chance into the unknown! It sounds so terribly exciting, why don't I go for it? Go for what? I'm not sure at this moment, but when it comes up, I promise I'll go for it!

1 comment:

Eugenia & Robert said...

I feel the same way! I let fear dictate my life way too much. And I want it to stop!

Love, Eugenia