Oceans Surround Diverse Worlds and Whisper Tales of Love, Loss and Adventure

Remember the once blank pages…

now filled…

how it occurred…

occurred to you…

to fill…

blank pages.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Is it Just taking a Different Route Home?

Every so often we all - I believe - get that feeling of get-up-and-do-something-with-your-life! 
Sometimes, it is a simple change: 
change in our morning routine or hair-style, 
or something as simple as taking a different route home from work.
Just something that makes us feel more alive
- in the moment.

I often have this moment. It usually comes when I have too much to think about 
and, not enough to do. Which gets me to wonder - 
is it better to be busy,
and therefore ignorant of life's opportunities; 
Or, clear out my schedule - 
just enough to ponder what will I do my with time.

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